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Pamela's Journey

Pamela R. O'Neill 

Speaking UP is..speaking truth with intention to UPlift."

My Story

Pamela O'Neill combines her firsthand account of the dangers of working as a frontline worker in mental health - when a former colleague was murdered by a client while on duty - and her honest experiences of personally dealing with mental health issues. Shocking international statistics and probing questions are presented in a relatable way to inspire readers to speak UP about the worldwide mental health crisis we are currently facing.

Regain confidence

Be healthy


My Mission

As someone who has grown up with mental health challenges in my family, later having mental health issues of my own, and also working in social work, my mission is to end the stigma of mental health. 


The world is in a mental health crisis. We need compassion, kindness, and love for each other. Many people struggle and are afraid to speak up about their mental health. My work is to see it be talked about the same way we would a broken bone, without judgment or shame. 


The healthcare system as we know it needs a revamp, mental health has to be made a priority, and in this way we all need to SPEAK UP for it to happen.

My Theory

Mental health challenges will continue to take the lives of people who otherwise would still be with us if social stigmas did not persist. "Speaking UP About a Mental Health Crisis" is breaking the silence on this issue. 


Speaking truth with the intention to UPlift is how we must go forward. This means everyone needs to have a better understanding of mental health and how it can be improved. We're being called to take continuous action toward preventing unnecessary deaths from occurring. To not act would be a choice to destroy ourselves. 

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